Release Notes July 9: Multi-Step Guide Bot & Other Bot Updates, Auto-Reassignment on Chat Transfers

Hello SnapEngagers,

our team has been working hard on updating our bot offering with some new and improved functionality. Please see this help article for more details, such as:

the new multi-step Guide Bot:

  1. Guide Bot users can chain together up to 100 logical steps to generate more visitor engagement with contextually appropriate messaging and guide customers to the right solution instantly.
  2. Create complex dialog trees and deliver highly-personalized capabilities (i.e. dynamically inject content into bot messages with JavaScript variables).
  3. You can also use Guide Bot’s multi-step dialog to label incoming conversations. This reduces manual agent work and allows users to trigger automated workflows in integrated CRM or Help Desk systems.
  4. Enterprise users can even use Guide Bot to dynamically route chats to the most appropriate agents who specialize in specific skills using Agent Tags.
  5. It’s also possible to use Guide Bot to route incoming chats to additional bots for advanced customization and flexibility.

Other Bot Updates

  1. The new Guide Bot –
    1. now features a ‘Live Preview’ option to test the flow of the bot steps,
    2. includes a configurable offline message option similar to the Answer Bot,
    3. will not take up a chat agent seat anymore but a separate bot seat which can be added in your subscription page.
    4. The pre-chat prompt which can be configured in the Design Studio tab also includes the Guide Bot avatar and alias similar to the Proactive Chat functionality.
  2. The Chat Agents tab will show the enabled/disabled state of the configured bots in the overview.
  3. Adding bots now does not automatically add a Priority Tier anymore.
  4. The “Approval Bot” functionality was renamed to Approval Checker and removed from the Chat Agents tab bot overview. The functionality remains the same.

Other Updates

  1. Chat Routing: Transferred chats which are broadcasted to another widget, broadcasted from the bot or an agent to the same widget will now also trigger the auto-responder functionality if no agent responded in the predefined time frame.
  2. We have updated the automated ‘thank you for your message’ email to be sent from [email protected] to comply with DMARC regulations.
  3. Fixed an issue with the visitor JavaScript code snippet not being properly minimized to improve loading speeds.
  4. Fixed an issue where the post-chat survey was not showing for API based bots.
  5. Fixed an issue where not-responded chats were not showing in the Analytics Wait Time report.
  6. Fixed an issue where CSV exports for sub-admins were not taking the correct comma or semicolon setting into account.